unit 3 study guide crossword puzzle

  1. 2. theory based on the belief that individuals' behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
  2. 6. refers to physical changes; increases in height and weight
  3. 9. Thinking skills
  4. 12. ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common.
  5. 13. which theorist came up with Cognitive Theory
  6. 16. which theorist came up with Classical Conditioning
  7. 17. theory says that behaviors can be associated with responses.
  8. 19. which theorist came up with Sociocultural Theory
  9. 20. theory that says children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teachers, and other students.
  1. 1. theory says personality development occurs during 8 stages of life. Example: A teenager is trying to figure out who he/she is as individuals.
  2. 3. theory that says people tend to repeat behaviors that have a positive result or are reinforced.
  3. 4. which theorist came up with Operant Conditioning
  4. 5. running, jumping, kicking, skipping
  5. 7. relates to growth; gradual increase in skills and abilities.
  6. 8. which theorist came up with Psychosocial Theory
  7. 10. painting, writing, cutting, Need good hand-eye coordination
  8. 11. theory that says to achieve self-actualization one must have other needs met first.
  9. 14. theory Believed that people observe and imitate the behaviors of others, regardless of rewards and punishments involved.
  10. 15. which theorist came up with Social Cognitive
  11. 18. Theory states that we all go through 4 stages of cognitive development and all have thinking skills that are similar.