Unit 3 Test

  1. 5. Theodore Roosevelt's name for the dirt-digging investigative reporters employed by William Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
  2. 7. the acquisition of territory by a nation through political influence; a cause of World War I
  3. 10. the rapid and aggressive expansion of a nation's military; a cause of World War I
  4. 13. a type of sensational or outlandish reporting that has very little basis in research or fact
  5. 14. The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson established the doctrine of ___ ___ ___.
  6. 16. the Eighteenth Amendment, establishing the prohibition of alcohol, was overturned by the ___ Amendment
  7. 18. type of propaganda that appeals to a person's desire to belong
  8. 19. money paid by a defeated enemy to pay for damage done during a war
  9. 21. Harding campaign promise: "A Return to ___"
  10. 22. These laws were enacted to prevent African Americans from achieving equality in the southern United States.
  11. 24. Wilson's organization that would allow nations to resolve differences through diplomacy rather than warfare
  12. 25. Opponents in World War I dug ___ to protect themselves from the machine guns and howitzers of their enemies.
  13. 27. Alaska and ___ are the two most recent states added to the union.
  14. 28. With the discovery of ___ in Alaska, Secretary of State William Seward's decision to purchase the land turn out to be a good one after all.
  15. 29. ____ believed that the government had the responsibility of solving social and economic problems
  16. 30. a collection of ideas and reforms that changed the scope and direction of American industry, politics, and social behavior
  1. 1. This telegram, from the German Government to Mexico, promised the return of the southwestern United States to Mexico in return of a declaration of war by Mexico on the U.S.
  2. 2. fear of the spread of Communism in America and the steps taken to undermine it
  3. 3. made the drinking, sale, and manufacture of alcoholic beverages a federal crime
  4. 4. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution granted ___ to American women.
  5. 6. popular music of the 1920 with roots in African and Caribbean music
  6. 8. print, film, and broadcast methods of communicating with large amounts of people
  7. 9. young women of the 1920s who changed America's idea of what a woman's role in society was; shorter hair, unmarried partiers
  8. 11. labor union leadership speaks for its members while negotiating with company management
  9. 12. a third party negotiator is brought in to deliver a binding decision between management and union members
  10. 15. this clause in the Treaty of Versailles (1919) blamed Germany for World War I, and required them to disarm and pay for damages.
  11. 17. scandal during the Harding Administration that saw Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall go to prison for illegally selling drilling rights on federal land to private oil companies
  12. 20. type of communication that is used specifically for the purpose of influencing the actions or attitudes of others
  13. 23. The ___ ___ speech focused on the surrender of Germany, the rebuilding of Europe, and prevention of future wars after World War I.
  14. 26. a Tennessee science teacher charged and fined for teaching evolution in his classroom resulted in the ___ ___.