Unit 3 vocab

  1. 2. A business owned by two or more people and operated for profit
  2. 3. This person agrees to pay back the loan if the borrower is unable to do so
  3. 7. A loan that the federal government funds and makes available to students
  4. 9. When no payment is required on a loan
  5. 11. A report sent to a family after its FAFSA is processed
  6. 12. An organization or person that extends credit to a consumer
  7. 14. A separate legal entity created by law that has the power of an individual
  8. 16. Money used to build, run, or grow a business
  9. 17. When interest builds up, or adds to the principal
  10. 19. The amount of tuition a family is expected to personally cover based on financial information
  1. 1. Money to cover a loan in the event the borrower dies before the loan is paid
  2. 2. Requires borrowers to pay a fee if they wish to pay back an entire loan before the due date
  3. 4. Allows the borrower to make payments before the due date to reduce the amount of interest
  4. 5. A business owned by one person and operated for a profit
  5. 6. A specialized institution that provides students with the necessary skills to be successful at a particular job
  6. 8. A person who uses credit
  7. 10. A loan issued by a bank, credit union, school, or state agency
  8. 13. An agreement that outloans the term of the loan
  9. 15. Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  10. 18. "Buy now, Pay later"