Unit 3 Vocabulary

  1. 3. official count of the population
  2. 6. Powers, powers suggested but not specifically mentioned in the constitution. Elastic clause may be used to create laws "necessary and proper" based on expressed powers
  3. 7. Party, in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the political party to which fewer than half the members belong
  4. 9. Committee, a permanent committee established in a legislature, usually focusing on a policy area
  5. 10. of Attainder, a law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court
  6. 11. to draw a district's boundaries to gain an advantage in elections
  7. 13. composed of two legislative bodies
  8. 15. a representative of a special- interest group who tries to influence political decisions on the groups behalf
  9. 19. a bill that is ignored by its committee
  10. 21. Party, the party that holds the majority of legislative seats in either the House or the Senate
  11. 22. a person whom a member of Congress has been elected to represent
  1. 1. a senate debate procedure that permits that body to end debate and force a vote on a bill by a vote of sixty senators
  2. 2. a formal decision to reject the bill passed by Congress
  3. 4. Powers, powers that congress has that are specifically listed in the constitution
  4. 5. Interest Group, any organization of people with policy goals who work within the political process to promote such goals
  5. 8. bring an accusation against
  6. 12. Post Facto Law, a law that would allow a person to be punished for an action that was not against the law when it was committed
  7. 14. a lengthy speech designed to delay or kill the vote on a bill; used only in the Senate
  8. 16. the work that a lawmaker does to help constituents with a problem
  9. 17. the system under which committee chairs are awarded to members who have the longest continuous service on the committee
  10. 18. of Habeas Corpus, a court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person
  11. 20. veto, a veto taking place when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president, who simply lets it die by neither signing nor vetoing it