Unit 3 Vocabulary Review

  1. 1. A computer you can travel with
  2. 5. Another name for mobile phone
  3. 7. A sound system to hear music when you travel
  4. 8. The same as saying 'two times'
  5. 9. A lot of people use these to receive messages, calls, step count and time where ever they are
  6. 12. Something you need to listen to music without it being loud for other people
  1. 2. The technology you need to take image from the computer and put it on paper
  2. 3. Another noun that means the same as 'price'
  3. 4. When you have two options and have to pick one, you need to do this.
  4. 6. The technology you need to type with on a computer
  5. 7. A verb that means the opposite of go
  6. 10. A small version of a computer but bigger than a mobile phone
  7. 11. The verb opposite to buy
  8. 13. A way to say that you did something for 'one time'