Unit 4-1 Congress pt 1

  1. 4. to set a congressional bill aside in committee without considering it.
  2. 6. A nickname of the Senate
  3. 10. A strategy of talking a bill to death
  4. 12. Permits amendments from the floor
  5. 13. House of Representatives and the Senate
  6. 18. When the winner gets less than 55% of the vote.
  7. 19. reviews most bills and adopts a rule that …
  8. 21. a provision added to a piece of legislation that is not germane to the bill's purpose
  9. 23. A lawmaking body made up of two parts
  10. 24. the procedures under which they will be considered by the House.
  11. 25. allows the senate to get on with other business while a filibuster is occurring
  12. 26. Sets a strict on debate and forbids the introduction of any amendments from the floor, or forbids amendments except those offered by the sponsoring committee
  1. 1. when the winner gets more than 55% of the vote.
  2. 2. The leader of the house of representatives
  3. 3. A calling of roll in either house of Congress to see whether the number of representatives in attendance meets the minimum number required to conduct official business
  4. 5. Already having the position you are running for
  5. 7. Bills directing how money should be spent
  6. 8. Permits some amendments but not others
  7. 9. A bill that has a lot of riders
  8. 11. a procedure where the full House or Senate can get a bill that is stalled in committee out and onto the floor.
  9. 14. the group that consists of the minimum number of Representatives that need to be present
  10. 15. A rule used by the Senate to end a debate.
  11. 16. The leader of the senate
  12. 17. powerful house committee where tax bills and spending bills are sent
  13. 18. When the committee does they make revisions and additions to a bill
  14. 20. A group of voters represented by someone
  15. 22. must be relevant