Unit 4 Crime & Punishment

  1. 3. The hierarchy must be followed
  2. 6. traditions- "Bind" you to society
  3. 7. Three parts to your unconscious mind
  4. 9. Reduce reoffending through supervision/rehabilitation.
  5. 12. Recidivism rates are significant
  6. 13. Deciding the appropriate charge
  7. 15. Examples inc Alleways,Public stairwells
  1. 1. Suppression and links to right realism
  2. 2. There are 9 steps
  3. 4. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
  4. 5. Threat,force or the promise of benefits
  5. 8. Supported by Skinners theory
  6. 10. A functionalist approach
  7. 11. System One of the 5 agencies of social control
  8. 14. To maintain order and social control