Unit 4 crossword Antuan Antonov P.6

  1. 3. Wealth or assets used in business or investment.
  2. 7. A region with overlapping cultural and political conflicts
  3. 8. shared resources beyond national jurisdictions.
  4. 11. Geographical areas determining representatives or election outcomes.
  5. 13. A country entirely surrounded by other locked nations.
  6. 16. A force pulling objects toward the center
  7. 17. is populated by a homogeneous ethnic group.
  8. 20. Union of independent states under a central government.
  9. 21. Belief that one event triggers similar consequences widely.
  10. 22. detached part of a country.
  11. 23. Moving or directed outward from a center
  12. 24. a state with a very small land area
  13. 25. Transfer of powers to local governments within a country.
  14. 27. maritime territory with exclusive resource rights.
  15. 28. independent city and surrounding territory
  16. 29. refers to divisions between geographic regions.
  1. 1. The political organization with centralized authority over citizens
  2. 2. the leading edge of progress
  3. 4. relocated national capitals for development.
  4. 5. is the practice of establishing control over territories
  5. 6. revising fundamental systemic colonial structures.
  6. 9. local identity shaping cultural, economic, and political spheres.
  7. 10. Manipulating districts to favor a specific political party.
  8. 12. futuristic geopolitical concept
  9. 14. Nation serving as a protective barrier between adversaries.
  10. 15. A progressive state advancing in multiple aspects.
  11. 18. Strategic diplomacy influencing global affairs towards future objectives
  12. 19. central and surrounding regions' interdependence.
  13. 22. A territory or community within another, often isolated.
  14. 26. relating to a system of government or union.