- 1. the energy of place or position.
- 4. The energy of an object in motion; it is calculated based on the object's mass and velocity.
- 6. The total energy of all the particles in a substance; it is related to temperature and can affect the state of matter.
- 8. the energy in bonds
- 10. is the transfer of thermal energy between substances due to a difference in temperature
- 13. the joining together of nuclei
- 14. Energy from sources that cannot be replenished within a human time frame, such as fossil fuels; these sources are limited and contribute to environmental concerns.
- 15. the energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together
- 16. the energy in objects that have a restorative force, such as springs or rubber bands
- 2. occurs when thermal energy is added or taken away from a system.
- 3. a law that states energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can change forms
- 5. is the average kinetic energy of molecules of a substance.
- 6. Changes in energy from one form to another; such as converting chemical energy in food into mechanical energy for movement.
- 7. Energy from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water; these sources can help meet societal energy needs sustainably.
- 9. the splitting of nuclei
- 11. The capacity to do work or produce change; it exists in various forms such as kinetic, potential, thermal, and more.
- 12. The stored energy of an object based on its position or condition; for example, a rock at the top of a hill has gravitational potential energy.