Unit 4 History Crossword

  1. 2. Closest that the world has gotten to a nuclear war.
  2. 3. A race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. to acquire more weapons.
  3. 6. This person came to power in Quebec after the death of Maurice Duplessis.
  4. 8. Superpower of the East after World War 2.
  5. 9. Important development in 1961 for population control.
  6. 10. Canada’s first female Prime Minister.
  7. 12. Canadians prepared for nuclear war by teaching students this.
  8. 13. Superpower of the West after World War 2.
  9. 15. Term used by Winston Churchill to describe the spread of communism.
  10. 18. A country that dominates in political and military power.
  11. 19. The role women had post war.
  12. 22. These were very popular in transportation between cities and suburbs.
  13. 25. Belief if one country fell to communism, other countries would too.
  14. 27. Way of life opposing the established norm.
  15. 29. Front de libération du Québec.
  16. 30. Neighbourhoods with many homes and more land, for cheaper prices.
  17. 31. Mutual Assured Destruction.
  18. 33. Man kidnaped in 1970.
  19. 35. The successor after the League of Nations failed.
  20. 37. An establishment of countries designed to oppose NATO.
  21. 38. Economic and Social change in Quebec.
  1. 1. Prime Minister that introduced the new constitution in 1982.
  2. 4. The increase in birth rate after the second World War.
  3. 5. Plan made by Truman to rebuild western europe.
  4. 7. American forgien policy designed to stop the spread of Communism.
  5. 11. A very fast Canadian interceptor aircraft that made Canada reputable.
  6. 14. Competition between USSR and USA to make advances in space.
  7. 16. P.M during the flag change.
  8. 17. Person who revealed the Russian spy ring.
  9. 20. A war that was post ww2.
  10. 21. Legal pass through for healthcare in 1966.
  11. 23. Chain of events starting in October 1970.
  12. 24. Person who led the revolution in Cuba.
  13. 26. Change in teen culture.
  14. 28. Signed in 1965 between the U.S. and Canada removing tariffs on auto parts between them.
  15. 32. Unique time in Canadian history.
  16. 34. A exposition where the theme was man and his world.
  17. 36. North American Aerospace Defence Command.