Unit 4 Page 77

  1. 8. - Finding your way from one place to another.
  2. 10. - Tools or machines that help people do things more easily.
  3. 12. - Stories, poems, and books written by authors.
  4. 13. - To present or create a problem or difficulty.
  5. 14. - Dealing with or managing a difficult situation
  6. 15. - Mobile phones that can connect to the internet and run apps.
  7. 17. - Instructions on how to get from one place to another.
  8. 18. - The parts of the mouth of an animal or human that hold the teeth.
  9. 20. navigation systems - Devices that use satellites to help people find their way.
  10. 21. - The bright points of light in the night sky.
  11. 22. - Symbols or marks that give information or directions.
  12. 23. - An animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals.
  1. 1. - Improvements or progress in technology or knowledge.
  2. 2. - A story for children about magical events and characters.
  3. 3. - Using whatever is available to solve a problem.
  4. 4. - A tool used for finding directions, usually with a needle that points north.
  5. 5. - The natural world around us, including plants, animals, and landscapes.
  6. 6. - Drawings or pictures that show the features of a place.
  7. 7. - The place or location of something.
  8. 9. - Depending on something or someone to help you.
  9. 10. - The feeling you get when you need to drink water.
  10. 11. - The distance from the top of something to the bottom.
  11. 16. - A machine in space that orbits the Earth.
  12. 19. - Thinking of new and interesting ideas.
  13. 22. - Staying alive, especially in difficult situations.