Plate Tectonics pt. 1 Vocab

  1. 2. a vent or fissure in the Earth's surface through which magma and gasses are expelled
  2. 4. under the crust where it is hot and rock begins to melt, move and shift
  3. 6. a crack in rock (or the Earth's crust) where movement can happen
  4. 8. where 2 tectonic plates move towards each other
  5. 9. plate material containing less dense granite usually underground on our continental land
  6. 13. the movement of bedrock caused by plates getting suck on each other and then roughly moving past each other
  7. 14. point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus
  8. 15. downward measurement from a surface
  9. 16. where 2 tectonic plates slide past each other
  1. 1. where 2 tectonic plates move away from each other
  2. 3. the section of the crust between earthquake lines
  3. 4. the measure of the energy released during an earthquake
  4. 5. liquidy rock found below or within the Earth's crust
  5. 7. the surface of the Earth
  6. 10. how deep, or how far down into the Earth an earthquake is occuring
  7. 11. liquidy rock that flows out of a volcano onto the Earth's surface
  8. 12. plate material containing denser basalt rock that is usually found under the ocean