Unit 4 Review Game- Knight

  1. 5. the portion of Mass that contains Scripture and a homily
  2. 6. because God is Truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the books of the Bible.
  3. 9. parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  4. 11. 3rd century BC Greek translation of the OT made by 70 Jewish scholars
  5. 15. portion of Mass that includes consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ and the distribution of Holy Communion
  6. 17. st Jerome's translation of the Bible from Latin
  7. 18. an old English rendering of the Greek for good news
  8. 19. source of pentateuch, reflect Jews in Judah's perspective in about 9th or 10th century BC
  9. 23. sacred literature characterized by symbols; alternate name for Revelation
  10. 24. an event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
  11. 25. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen, presents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
  1. 1. a person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid consequences
  2. 2. Source of the Pentateuch that reflects the perspective of the Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel in 8th or 9th century Bc
  3. 3. a letter written to a particular person or people
  4. 4. the OT books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
  5. 7. the 27 books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  6. 8. the 46 books recording the history of salvation from the Creation until the time of Christ
  7. 10. synonym for covenant
  8. 12. the study of ancestry
  9. 13. source of the Pentateuch, reflects the perspective of the Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel 8th or 9th century BC
  10. 14. one of the hypothetical sources of the Pentateuch, particularly Deuteronomy, written in 7th century BC
  11. 16. list of inspired books of the Bible
  12. 20. the five books of Moses
  13. 21. one who proclaims the good news, particularly Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  14. 22. The books which contain the truth of God's revelation and were composed by human authors with the Holy Spirit's guidance