Unit 4 terms

  1. 3. dimension hopping through ritual acts
  2. 5. Founded by the Mound Builders
  3. 8. Native American society that had writing
  4. 10. Moral law of the universe
  5. 13. sound/utterance considered sacred
  6. 18. Buddha
  7. 19. Commentary on the Vedas
  8. 21. Breath/Self
  9. 22. Rama and Sita's story
  10. 24. to extinguish/blow out
  1. 1. called the Sirono people untouched by time
  2. 2. Buddhist community
  3. 4. King of the Kaan at the beginning of the Kaan-Mutal Wars
  4. 6. stories of various warring families and gods
  5. 7. Sacred language of Hinduism
  6. 9. 700 verses within Mahabharata
  7. 11. release from reincarnation
  8. 12. god of death
  9. 14. illusion of life is that things are permanent
  10. 15. word for existence itself
  11. 16. Untouchables
  12. 17. god of life
  13. 20. sacred duty/morally upright behavior
  14. 23. Sacred texts of Hinduism