Unit 4 The Age of Exploration

  1. 3. combination of languages
  2. 4. oldest inherit the heritage
  3. 6. spanish soldiers
  4. 7. beans made chocolate
  5. 9. landowners
  6. 10. a dish of rice and okra
  7. 11. the ruler of inca
  8. 12. spanish commercial center
  9. 14. pathogen deals with respiratory system
  10. 15. trade using gold and silver
  11. 17. the theory in measure of gold
  12. 19. cultural ineraction
  13. 22. technologically advanced
  1. 1. trade of slaves
  2. 2. tropical grass
  3. 5. the english settlement
  4. 6. interactions of trading goods/disease
  5. 8. name of the island of Haiti
  6. 10. spanish ships
  7. 13. a town or trading post
  8. 16. corn
  9. 18. mapmaking
  10. 20. system of slaves
  11. 21. system to gain access to gold