Unit 4 The Age of Exploration

  1. 5. island occupied by haiti
  2. 6. mapmaking
  3. 9. any map of stars/galaxies
  4. 11. slave raids
  5. 13. ruler of inca
  6. 14. spanihs soldiers
  7. 15. dish of okra and rice
  8. 16. economic system
  9. 19. technological improvements
  10. 21. town for trading post
  11. 22. spanish ships
  1. 1. royal courts
  2. 2. spanish commercial center
  3. 3. chocolate beans
  4. 4. animals used to travel on land
  5. 7. heritage
  6. 8. settlement on the james river
  7. 10. tropical grass
  8. 12. slave raids
  9. 17. corn
  10. 18. act as administartors
  11. 20. pathogen spread in respiratory system