Unit 4: The Respiratory System

  1. 2. one of the two tubes that connects the lungs and trachea
  2. 4. It uses glucose to release energy that cells can use
  3. 6. A large, flat muscle below your lungs that help us breathe
  4. 9. A change that makes at least one new product
  5. 11. To breathe out
  6. 15. To spread out; gases do this during gas exhange
  7. 16. Respiration that uses oxygen
  8. 18. The scientific name for the windpipe; where air moves
  9. 19. A gas that mixes with haemoglobin do reduce the amount of oxygen in blood
  10. 20. The substance in cigarettes that causse cancer
  11. 22. Describes something that is difficult to stop doing
  12. 23. To breathe in
  1. 1. It protects the trachea & makes sound
  2. 3. The little air sacs in our lungs where gas exchange happens
  3. 5. Very small particles or pieces of matter
  4. 7. The main organ of the respiratory system
  5. 8. Getting oxygen into the blood & removing carbon dioxide from the bodyy
  6. 10. The body parts used to get oxygeb and get rid of carbon dioxide
  7. 12. The substance in cigarettes that make them addictive
  8. 13. It makes sound & protects the trachea; also known as the voice box
  9. 14. A disease caused by cells dividing & growing uncontrollably
  10. 15. A substance that changes how the body works
  11. 17. The muscles between ribs that move when you breathe
  12. 21. It connects the larynx to the bronch; air flows through here