unit 4 vocab

  1. 3. creates a flow of water
  2. 6. segment of a tapeworm
  3. 8. cell in tentacle of jellyfish
  4. 9. has both kinds of reproductive organs
  5. 12. tapeworm head
  6. 14. stinging cells
  7. 15. traditional class turbellaria
  8. 16. middle layer of embryo
  9. 18. a two-way digestive tract
  1. 1. has a false body cavity
  2. 2. scientific name for flatworms
  3. 4. extra piece of tissue
  4. 5. canal behind the nose and mouth
  5. 7. protects the body from damage
  6. 10. umbrella shaped body type
  7. 11. invertebrate lacking a coelomn
  8. 13. roundworm
  9. 17. a large opening