Unit 4 Vocab

  1. 2. - A series of conflicts between France and various European powers from 1803 to 1815.
  2. 4. - A law passed in 1809 to replace the Embargo Act, allowing trade with all nations except Britain and France.
  3. 5. - Someone who interprets the Constitution broadly and believes in the implied powers of the federal government.
  4. 8. - Led an expedition to explore the newly acquired and the Pacific Northwest.
  5. 9. - The political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson and his supporters, emphasizing agrarianism, states' rights, and limited government.
  6. 12. - The 1814 peace treaty that ended the War of 1812, restoring prewar boundaries and resolving issues without significant territorial changes.
  7. 14. - A US foreign policy statement in 1823 declaring that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits for further European colonization.
  8. 16. - Pirates based in North Africa who demanded tribute from nations in exchange for safe passage through the Mediterranean Sea.
  9. 17. - A Supreme Court case that affirmed the supremacy of federal law over state law and upheld the constitutionality of the national bank.
  10. 21. - Seventh President of the United States and a military hero known for his leadership during the War of 1812.
  11. 22. - A period of political harmony and one-party rule in the United States following the War of 1812, characterized by a sense of national unity.
  12. 24. - A Supreme Court case that expanded the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce.
  13. 25. - An undeclared naval war fought between the United States and France.
  14. 30. - A diplomatic incident in where French agents demanded bribes from American diplomats.
  15. 33. - A law passed by Congress in 1807 under President Jefferson, prohibiting American ships from trading with foreign nations.
  16. 35. - A military officer and politician who later became the ninth President of the United States and played a key role in the conflicts in the ORV.
  17. 36. - The acquisition of the this territory from France, doubled the size of the United States.
  18. 37. - A landmark Supreme Court case that established judicial review.
  19. 41. - A Supreme Court case that established the Court's authority to review state court decisions involving federal law, and made the court the highest court of appeal.
  20. 44. - A decisive American victory 1815, occurring after the War of 1812 had officially ended.
  1. 1. - A leading American statesman known as the "Great Compromiser" for his efforts to broker deals between conflicting interests in Congress.
  2. 3. - A treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the US and defined the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase.
  3. 6. - A Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide.
  4. 7. - Laws passed by the Federalist-controlled Congress to limit immigration and restrict freedom of speech.
  5. 10. - The power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional.
  6. 11. - An economic plan proposed to promote industry, infrastructure development, and a national bank in the United States.
  7. 13. - Resolutions asserting states' rights and challenging the Alien & Sedition Acts.
  8. 15. - A political party that supported states' rights and agrarian interests.
  9. 17. - Last-minute judicial appointments made by John Adams before Thomas Jefferson took office.
  10. 18. - A naval confrontation where a British ship attacked an American ship.
  11. 19. - A conflict between the United States and the Creek Nation in 1813-1814, culminating in the Creek defeat at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
  12. 20. - An American explorer who led expeditions to the southwestern United States and the Rocky Mountains.
  13. 23. - A constitutional provision granting Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, between states, and with Native American tribes.
  14. 26. - A battle where American forces defeated a Native American confederacy and secured the ORV.
  15. 27. - A treaty between the United States and Britain that limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes, promoting peaceful relations.
  16. 28. - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by John Adams, known for his landmark decisions that strengthened federal power.
  17. 29. - Legislation passed in 1810 that reopened trade with all nations, but promised to reimpose non-intercourse with Britain or France if they stopped violating American neutral rights.
  18. 31. - A prominent Democratic-Republican politician who served as Vice President under Jefferson and famously dueled with Alexander Hamilton.
  19. 32. - A meeting of New England Federalists in to discuss grievances related to the War of 1812 and propose amendments to the Constitution.
  20. 34. - Members of Congress, primarily from the South and West, who advocated for war against Britain in the early 19th century.
  21. 38. - A conflict between the United States and Britain from, marked by battles on land and sea, including the burning of Washington, D.C.
  22. 39. - A landmark Supreme Court case that protected property rights and invalidated a state law for the first time.
  23. 40. - A Shawnee leader who organized a Native American confederacy to resist American expansion in the early 19th century.
  24. 42. - Series of conflicts in Florida in the early 19th century between the US government and the Seminole tribe.
  25. 43. - A financial crisis that occurred in 1819, marked by bank failures, unemployment, and a sharp decline in economic activity.