Unit 4 Vocab Crossword: Industrial Rev / Global Conflicts

  1. 4. Organization created after World War I to promote world peace; U.S. never joined
  2. 5. A refusal to work organized by a body of employees for better working conditions
  3. 6. Someone against new wave/era of technology (famously known for destroying factories during the Industrial Revolution)
  4. 8. President of the United States after Roosevelt; gave approval to drop atomic bombs in Japan
  5. 10. How geography impacts politics
  6. 11. His assassination sparked World War I
  7. 15. Financial repayment for damages done
  8. 16. Japan, Italy, and Germany alliance in WWII
  9. 17. An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
  10. 18. Belief that a country should spend its money on an improving its military for aggression
  11. 20. Piece of Legislation that gave Chancellor Adolf Hitler ultimate power ; allowed him to rise to title of dictator
  12. 21. Transformation from an agricultural based economy towards an economy based on mechanized manufacturing
  1. 1. Formally ended World War I and blamed much of damage on Germany
  2. 2. Tsar Nicholas II loses power and Lenin takes over; creates USSR
  3. 3. Biological/ chemical warfare unit based in Japan
  4. 7. The forced takeover of one country by another, usually for its resources (using a military)
  5. 9. Relating to an empire
  6. 12. A political theory derived from Karl Marx that advocates for a classless, stateless society based on a violent revolution of the working class
  7. 13. Take advantage of
  8. 14. Manufacturing of the same product on a mass scale
  9. 19. Supreme Leader of Soviet Union 1924-1953