Unit 4 Vocab - Satael Antoine

  1. 2. A system where a nation expands its sphere of influence through political relations or war.
  2. 6. An individual who starts a business or more and takes many risks to be successful.
  3. 8. English founder of the politics’ modern philosophy.
  4. 9. A system in politics believing in a public society where everything is shared equally.
  5. 11. Astronomer from Italy who contributed to modern science and discovered many things in outer space.
  6. 13. A historian from France who influenced many modern constitutions with the separation of powers.
  7. 15. A meeting from 1884-1885 in which many of the global powers met to discuss how to colonize and trade in the African continent.
  8. 17. A believer in practices that contrast from the Christian doctrines.
  9. 18. An idea that the Sun is revolved around the central part of the universe by the planets of the Solar System, including Earth.
  10. 19. A building where manufacturers operate machines to assemble or manufacture products.
  1. 1. Mathematician & physicist from England, famously known for the Three Laws of Motion.
  2. 3. A type of political system in which a country is completely & solely ruled by a leader.
  3. 4. Inventor from Scotland who contributed to the Industrial Revolution by inventing the steam engine’s different types.
  4. 5. The practice of population growth within formerly rural areas, made to adapt to the growing population.
  5. 7. English person in philosophy known to be part of the Enlightenment thinkers and is known as the Father of Liberalism.
  6. 10. An idea where one region or area is significantly influenced by a foreign country.
  7. 12. French philosopher who had ideas about slavery and advocated against the practices of slavery, as well as advocating for freedom.
  8. 14. Using experiments and tests to prove theories.
  9. 16. A system in the economy where workers own a lot of the industries, contrasting from private ownership.