Unit 4 Vocabulary

  1. 5. this system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful
  2. 6. developed heliocentric theory
  3. 9. philospher who wrote about the social contract and thought government should provide for and protect the general will
  4. 10. period in the mid-1500s, when scientists began to question accepted beliefs about the world and made new theories based on experimentation
  5. 11. wrote about freedom of speech and religion
  6. 13. French absolute monarch; centralized power, expanded French territory, ended religious freedom, and controlled nobles at the palace of Versailles
  7. 14. set of written laws that govern a nation
  8. 15. rulers who made small reforms but did not give up any powers of the throne
  9. 16. used math to prove heliocentric theory and explain planetary movement- described gravity
  10. 19. Improved the telescope and supported heliocentric theory, was tried in the inquisition and held under house arrest
  11. 20. used enlightenment ideas when writing the Declaration of Independence
  1. 1. believed government exist to protect people's natural rights; overthrow governments that fail to protect the rights
  2. 2. believed the best government was an absolute monarchy; all people are evil
  3. 3. laws of planetary motion- proved heliocentric theory using math
  4. 4. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. 7. 1215 the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law
  6. 8. a revolution in intellectual activity and changed European's view of government and society
  7. 12. theory that the Earth was the center of the universe
  8. 17. the idea that people give up their rights to a government
  9. 18. wrote about separation of powers, checks and balances