Unit 4 Vocabulary

  1. 2. the fair administration of justice
  2. 4. hears cases where one person or group thinks another person or group should pay for causing harm
  3. 5. a legal principle created by an appellate court decision that lower court judges must follow when deciding similar cases
  4. 8. the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
  5. 13. a member of the Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court in the nation
  6. 15. a group that hears charges against a suspect and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to bring the person to trial
  7. 18. the set of rules and standards by which a society governs itself
  8. 19. a formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury
  9. 20. a mistake by a judge as to the applicable law in a case
  1. 1. the person against whom a civil or criminal suit is brought in court
  2. 3. the authority of a trial court to be the first to hear a case
  3. 6. an attorney who represents the government in a criminal case
  4. 7. a written statement setting forth the legal arguments, relevant facts, and precedents supporting one side of a case
  5. 9. an agreement whereby a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser crime than the one with which a defendant was originally charged and in return the government agrees not to prosecute the defendant for the more serious crime
  6. 10. hears cases about crimes like burglary, murder, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  7. 11. unbiased
  8. 12. attorney who works for the state and defends people who cannot afford a private attorney
  9. 14. not consistent with a nation’s constitution
  10. 16. a group of citizens who hear evidence during a trial and give a verdict
  11. 17. in a civil trial the person who brings suit in court