Unit 4 Vocabulary

  1. 2. a group of religious officials
  2. 3. a group of that controlled by 1 ruler
  3. 6. A period of increase prices
  4. 8. A sickness that spreads quickly and kills many people
  5. 10. Self-sufficient Medieval estate with a lord and workers
  6. 11. A medieval poor person bound to the land and works for the lord
  7. 12. An organization of craftsmen who work together to create products and teach their trade
  8. 13. a medieval solider who protects the land
  1. 1. Medieval noble who serves the lord and protects him
  2. 2. A religious wars over the Holy Land
  3. 4. To believe in 1 god
  4. 5. A large area of land ruled by a lord
  5. 7. A way to organized people in which people work the land in return for protection
  6. 8. Roman Peace
  7. 9. Medieval nobles