Unit 4 Work

  1. 1. to not tell the truth
  2. 3. you are ready
  3. 5. give people jobs
  4. 7. the document you complete for a job that asks for your work experience and education
  5. 8. a document that lists your work experience and education
  6. 10. certain of your abilities, you believe in yourself
  7. 13. you make a formal request for a job
  8. 16. there is no limit to the length of time you work
  9. 17. in a clean and slightly formal way
  10. 18. the money you give someone for doing a job, usually hourly, daily, or weekly
  11. 20. to be behind schedule or late
  1. 2. the knowledge or skills you get from other jobs you have don
  2. 4. to investigate or find information
  3. 6. you have worked in the same industry for many years
  4. 9. a fixed amount of money you are paid every year
  5. 11. when a person works between 32 and 40 hours per week
  6. 12. you work for a fixed amount of time
  7. 14. a person or organization that employs people
  8. 15. you think about the good things in a situation, you give good vibes
  9. 19. when a person works less than 32 hours