Unit 5 Chapter 11 Section 1:Feudalism Develops

  1. 5. warlike Germanic people who settled in England and ruled the country for six centuries.
  2. 6. a nobleman who received land from a king in medieval feudal society
  3. 7. ruled the Franks and was the first leader to convert
  4. 9. a political and social system in which a vassal receives protection from a lord in exchange for obedience and service
  5. 11. the code of conduct demanded that a knight be brave and courteous and never shrink from a challenge
  6. 12. a person who worked the land of a medieval lord
  7. 14. a self-contained world located on land belonging to a lord
  8. 15. to change one’s religion
  1. 1. passed laws that chipped away at the power of the nobles of Rome, crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans during a Christmas service in Rome, defended by Charlemagne
  2. 2. First emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
  3. 3. a lesser nobleman who received land and protection from a feudal lord in exchange for obedience and service
  4. 4. a warrior in medieval Europe
  5. 8. This era lasted from about 500 to 1450 in Western Europe and is also called the medieval period
  6. 10. from the Latin medium (middle) and aevum (age)
  7. 13. new settlers had their own ideas about government united to form powerful kingdoms but didn’t create large centralized governments or write down their laws, as the Romans had