Unit 5 cross word puzzle

  1. 3. / classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  2. 4. / factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  3. 7. / harmful result; element of a crime
  4. 8. / criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  5. 9. / illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  6. 11. / factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  1. 1. / latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  2. 2. / latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  3. 3. / criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. 5. / classification for the most serious type of crimes
  5. 6. / simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  6. 10. / classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense