- 3. Growing, processing food for consumption
- 6. Environmentally-conscious farming
- 7. Ease of relocating resources
- 8. Moving operations to other countries
- 10. Manufacturing and processing
- 12. Sources like rivers, aquifers, rainfall
- 13. Commercial agriculture companies
- 15. Small-scale farming for self-consumption
- 16. Crops like wheat, rice, corn
- 18. Fertile land becoming desert
- 19. Regions susceptible to food shortages
- 21. Controlling supply and access
- 23. Areas with linked economic activities
- 27. Transition to modern farming techniques
- 29. Taming plants and animals
- 30. Shift from agriculture to manufacturing
- 1. Cultivated plant agriculture
- 2. Global economic interdependence
- 4. Increasing worldwide interdependence
- 5. Having official property rights
- 9. Rights/rules over land ownership
- 11. Methods of cultivating crops
- 14. Herding domesticated animals, migrating
- 17. Bondage from unpaid debts
- 20. Depletion of fertile soil
- 22. Large estate cash crop farming
- 24. Increasing crop yields through technology
- 25. Products increasing value through manufacturing
- 26. Modeling economic activity patterns
- 28. Policies restricting international trade