Unit 5 - Fair weather and windy weather

  1. 4. The road is ... . Drive carefully!
  2. 5. Can you help me, please? - Of ... .
  3. 6. Another word for snow storm.
  4. 8. The ... of polished wood is smooth.
  5. 9. The ... is also called the blue planet.
  6. 12. I don't ... that I didn't win the match.
  7. 13. If there's enough ..., we can go skiing.
  8. 16. On ... days we stay at home.
  9. 17. It's rather ... . It might even rain later on.
  1. 1. When the sun shines it's ... .
  2. 2. Winter
  3. 3. A big storm which only occurs in tropical climates.
  4. 7. In the desert it is hot and ... .
  5. 8. In a hurricane air is moving with great ...
  6. 10. I always listen to the ... in the car.
  7. 11. On the stove you can ... water to cook spaghetti.
  8. 13. stürmisch
  9. 14. We all got ... because of the rain.
  10. 15. The opposite of calm is ... It means there's a lot of wind.