Unit 8: WWII Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war.
  2. 5. A type of government that attempts to control all aspects of people’s personal and private lives.
  3. 11. Known as “Victory in Europe Day” that occurred on May 8, 1945 and marked the end of World War 2 in Europe.
  4. 13. Conflict or fighting that involves entire nations.
  5. 15. A policy created the in which Great Britain could borrow or “lease” weapons from the United States.
  6. 17. A strategy of fighting developed by the United States to fight the war against Japan by “hopping” from island to island.
  7. 18. The systematic murder of 6 million Jews during World War 2.
  8. 20. War between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers that lasted from 1939-1945.
  9. 21. Internment Camps-Detention centers where more than 100,000 Japanese Americans were relocated during World War 2.
  10. 22. A warlike act by one country against another without cause.
  11. 23. A type of warfare used by Germany during World War 2 which was used to quickly defeat Poland and France; known as “Lightening War.”
  12. 24. The June 6, 1944 invasion carried out by Allied forces on the beaches of Normandy, France; nicknamed “Operation Overlord” and often called “D-Day.”
  13. 25. A political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied. Used by Benito Mussolini from 1922-1943.
  1. 1. A treaty/pact signed by Hitler and Stalin on August 23, 1939 in which both countries agreed not to attack each other and to divide Poland.
  2. 3. A settlement reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland, in western Czechoslovakia on September 30, 1938.
  3. 4. A form of fighting in which Japanese pilots would purposely crash their planes into U.S. aircraft carriers.
  4. 6. A group created after World War 2 to help prevent future wars and conflicts from occurring; also called the UN.
  5. 7. Known as “Victory in Japan Day” that occurred on August 14, 1945 and marked the end of World War 2 in Japan.
  6. 8. The deliberate attempt to kill or destroy an entire nation or group of people.
  7. 9. Economic condition in which money loses its value and prices rise.
  8. 10. Site of the Soviet victory over Germany in February 1943.
  9. 12. World War 2 alliance between France, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union (USSR) who fought against the Axis Powers.
  10. 14. World War 2 alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan who fought against the Allied Powers.
  11. 16. Prison camps used under the rule of Hitler in which over 6,000,000 Jewish people died during World War 2.
  12. 19. Site of the Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941.