Unit 5 - Insurance

  1. 4. if another driver doesn't have (23 across) insurance then this type of insurance will cover you
  2. 8. 13th president of the united states
  3. 10. a flat fee that doesn't count towards your (6 down)
  4. 12. a percentage of the cost that you and your insurance split i.e. (you pay 20%, insurance pays 80%)
  5. 14. car insurance that covers many different things that are usually out of your control, also an anagram of "specimen hover"
  6. 15. when choosing (13 down), be warned since your employer normally pays 80% of your (22 across) you might pay _____ times as much per month just to keep your health insurance
  7. 16. the most amount of money you will pay in a year for health insurance
  8. 17. car insurance that covers your and your passengers medical bills in an accident, aka ________ injury protection
  9. 20. a doctor/medical professional that does a certain thing, HMO's require you to get a referral from your (22 down) to see one, PPO's don't.
  10. 22. what you pay monthly in order to have insurance
  11. 23. the type of car insurance that is legally required
  12. 24. when you need your insurance to pay for something you submit an insurance _____
  13. 25. a car insurance deductible is per accident but a health insurance deductible is per year or an ______ deductible
  1. 1. it's what a QLE stands for, and you can get one if there is a new member in your family, someone in your family dies, or for many other reasons
  2. 2. you can stay on your parents health insurance (with their permission) until you are how many years old?
  3. 3. the purpose of insurance is to ________ risk, i.e. the financial burden that you risk is now the insurance companies risk
  4. 5. health care services for people that are 65 and older or disabled, funded by Social Security taxes
  5. 6. the amount of money you pay before your insurance starts to pay
  6. 7. a health insurance plan usually covers out-of-network providers/doctors but in-network is usually cheaper.
  7. 9. It's the most wonderful (and only) time of the year! (to get health insurance)
  8. 11. a health insurance plan that typically has lower (22 across) but doesn't cover out-of-network providers/doctors
  9. 13. an acronym for a law that was passed a long time ago that says you can keep your employee sponsored health insurance when/if you are fired/lose your job
  10. 18. this type of insurance helps you recover lost items if you are renting an apartment
  11. 19. free healthcare, in Washington it's called AppleHealth
  12. 21. insurance that covers damages to your car in an accident
  13. 22. your main doctor that you see is called a primary care ___________, HMO's require you to have one of these