Unit 5 Lab

  1. 3. narrowing of the arteries surrounding the heart
  2. 6. meaning around
  3. 9. shows narrowing, detects aneurysms, collects samples, and detects pressure in the heart
  4. 12. ultrasound to look at the heart and vessels
  5. 14. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  6. 15. the main artery of the human body
  7. 17. thick walls, carries blood away from the heart
  8. 18. pumps blood through the body
  9. 19. thin walls, carries blood to the heart
  10. 20. helps indicate heart muscle damage
  11. 23. pertaining to the lungs
  12. 24. Blood
  13. 25. measures how hard the heart works
  1. 1. heart pumps inefficiently, reducing blood flow
  2. 2. x-ray dye injected into the blood vessels
  3. 4. Blood Pressure
  4. 5. a complete stopping of the heart
  5. 7. meaning middle
  6. 8. used to exchange oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients
  7. 10. meaning inner or within
  8. 11. also known as myocardial infarction
  9. 13. Chest Pain
  10. 16. pertaining to the heart
  11. 21. artery has a weakened wall, leading to swelling
  12. 22. Shortness of Breathe