Unit 5 Money

  1. 2. small unit of money, or a coin worth 1p or 1 cent
  2. 3. transfer/the act of moving money from one bank to another bank, usually using a computer
  3. 5. for people to live in
  4. 10. card/a card that a particular shop gives you, that you can use to buy things there and pay later
  5. 11. value of the money of one country when you change it for the money of another country
  6. 14. payment/money that you save for a pension
  7. 16. a system in which you buy things and pay for them later
  8. 18. you borrow from a bank in order to buy a house
  9. 20. before giving the most important information from what you have just said or written
  10. 22. help someone understand the situation within which something is happening
  11. 25. provide people with something they need
  12. 26. amount of money you have to spend on something
  13. 29. amount of money that you borrow from a bank
  14. 31. or working without using money in the form of coins or paper money
  15. 33. card/a plastic card that you use for paying for things. The money is taken out of your bank account.
  16. 35. in price or slightly cheaper and still good quality
  17. 38. register/a machine that is used in a shop to keep money in and show how much customers have to pay
  18. 39. number representing an amount
  19. 40. wallet/software that stores your bank or credit card information on your phone
  20. 42. revenue/the money the government collects from people
  21. 44. dispenser/a machine that you can get money out of, using a plastic card
  22. 45. understand that someone has done something good for you, and feel grateful
  23. 46. an amount or level becomes larger or higher
  1. 1. to show what part of something you are talking about
  2. 3. take and use money from a person or organisation which you must pay back later
  3. 4. payment/the act of paying for something using the internet
  4. 6. act of paying for something
  5. 7. on delivery/a way of buying something in which you pay for it when it is delivered to you in cash
  6. 8. become larger in number, amount, size, etc., or make something become larger
  7. 9. phone payment/the act of paying for something using an app on your mobile phone
  8. 12. pitch/a presentation you give to make a customer want to buy your product or service
  9. 13. little more or less than a number or amount, but not exact
  10. 15. correct
  11. 17. continue to be something or to be in the same state
  12. 19. money that you pay when you borrow money
  13. 21. larger or higher
  14. 23. cash/to take money from your bank account
  15. 24. repayment/money that you pay because you need to give it back to whom you borrowed it from
  16. 27. cash/a small amount of money that is kept in an office to buy things
  17. 28. one person does in a group or situation
  18. 30. increase the amount of something
  19. 32. system/all the banks and other organisations that help with the transfer of money
  20. 34. of the price of something, that you pay when you agree to buy it
  21. 35. system or type of money that a country uses
  22. 36. amount of money that people pay for things
  23. 37. become worse because of something
  24. 38. in the form of coins and special paper
  25. 41. put something inside an envelope with a letter
  26. 43. the money that you have saved
  27. 44. for you to use