Unit 5 -New Nation

  1. 5. What Treaty ended the War of 1812?
  2. 6. Who led the Americans to victory at the Battle of New Orleans?
  3. 9. One of the causes of the War of 1812 was a border dispute between the US and __________?
  4. 14. What territory was going to be shared (joint occupation) after the Convention of 1818?
  5. 17. Who was the United States fighting in the Barbary War?
  6. 18. What political party believed the economy should be based on agriculture
  7. 19. The Sedition Act violated what Constitutional Amendment
  8. 20. This scandal involved 3 secret French representatives who demanded the U.S. pay a bride
  9. 21. Who won the election of 1796?
  10. 24. What theory of government did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions create?
  11. 25. What did the U.S. purchase from Spain in the Adam-Onis Treaty?
  12. 26. The foreign policy that George Washington followed during his presidency
  1. 1. What did Thomas Jefferson purchase from the French in 1803? (____________ Territory)
  2. 2. Who were the British arming in the western US before the War of 1812?
  3. 3. What act made it a crime to insult a government leader?
  4. 4. Someone who favors war - Henry Clay
  5. 7. (T or F) After the War of 1812, the United States' land boundaries changed.
  6. 8. What did Hamilton’s financial plan create?
  7. 10. Who saved George Washington’s portrait when the British burned the White House? (First name)
  8. 11. Washington set the precedent for a ______ term limit for president
  9. 12. Stopping and seizing sailors into military service is called?
  10. 13. Declared newly independent nations in Latin America off limits to future colonization.
  11. 15. What did Francis Scott Key write after the Battle of Fort McHenry?
  12. 16. Who protested the whiskey tax?
  13. 22. Favored a strong central government
  14. 23. In 1807 Jefferson passed an ________ which prevented the Americans from trading with Great Britain and France?