Unit 5: Populations

  1. 5. ____ growth: birth rate is roughly equal to death rate
  2. 7. small subgroups of a species in an "island" on mainland
  3. 8. factors that are typically natural disasters such as weather, drought, fire, etc.
  4. 10. creates "island" populations on mainland
  5. 14. ____ growth: birth rate is greater than death rate
  6. 15. uncontrolled growth that generates a "J" curve
  7. 16. some organisms are hunted before reproduction stage
  8. 17. the theoretical number of offspring that can be produced under ideal conditions
  9. 18. environmental ____ or limiting factors
  10. 19. controlled growth that creates a "S" curve
  1. 1. maximum number of organisms an ecosystem can support
  2. 2. low reproduction rates, long lifespan, parenting
  3. 3. some organisms die from this before reproduction stage
  4. 4. birth rate subtracted by death rate
  5. 6. high reproduction rates, short lifespan, little to no parenting
  6. 9. members of a species in the same area
  7. 11. ____ growth: birth rate is less than death rate
  8. 12. the struggle to access resources leads to
  9. 13. factors such as competition, stress, disease, and predation.