Unit 5 Review

  1. 2. along with physical features and soil type, this is an important feature to consider when farming
  2. 3. rural settlement pattern that is more characteristic of American settlement patterns where farms are located near homes
  3. 4. money or services provided by the government to keep the cost of products low
  4. 6. rural settlement pattern that is characterized by houses being close together and surrounded by fields
  5. 7. used to indicate the starting position for each land use relative to the market, as well as where each would end
  6. 10. the domestication of plants and animals occurred during this event
  7. 12. agricultural practice that is popular along the southern coast of Europe
  8. 13. the process of fertile land turning to desert
  9. 16. terrace farming is an example of this type of of agricultural practice
  10. 17. farming that focuses on one crop to sell
  1. 1. the integration of various steps of production in the food processing industry
  2. 4. the act of growing crops in a different field each year
  3. 5. product that is located in the second ring of von Thunen's model
  4. 8. the introduction of refrigeration trucks to transport dairy products longer distances
  5. 9. a practice used by farmers to benefit two different crops in the same area
  6. 11. the purposeful removal of trees to create more farmland
  7. 14. type of land use that does not require a lot of inputs
  8. 15. event that is characterized by the creation of GMOs