Unit 5 Study Guide: Mental Health

  1. 2. Mental Health Condition where a person experiences both obsessions and compulsions throughout their day. These disrupt their daily life, making it hard to go to work or school.
  2. 5. __________ personality disorder- Mental Health Condition where a person suspects, without reason, that others exploit, harm, or deceive them.
  3. 9. One of the 3 “D’s”: A person’s symptoms move away from what our culture considers normal, typical, or average
  4. 10. A major disturbance in an individual’s thinking, feelings, or behavior that reflects a problem in mental function.
  5. 13. Mental Health Condition where an individual severely restricts their food intake. They often see themselves as overweight, and their fear is not relieved by weight loss.
  6. 14. People with have a range of symptoms as a result of trauma. A person may not appear sad or afraid, but may be angry, reckless, moody, withdrawn, or jumpy.
  7. 18. Common mental illness stigmas may include: that the person is weak, they’re just seeking attention, they must be dangerous, or that they’re not capable of living a _________ life.
  8. 19. Mental Health Condition involving problems with a person’s ability to relate to others, and having a fixed set of interests or repetitive behaviors.
  9. 20. Structural/_________ stigma- examples: societal, hiring practices, government policy
  10. 21. A negative view, opinion, stereotype or perception towards something.
  11. 22. Stigmas are inaccurate, stereotypes, unfair, linked to _________, offensive, and insensitive.
  12. 26. Mental Health Condition that causes a person to feel deeply sad for an extended period of time.
  13. 28. The most _________ treatments vary based on the disorder and the individual.
  14. 29. Mental health conditions may affect someone’s ability to relate to others and _________ each day.
  15. 32. What we can do to _______ stigmas: Talk more, Watch your language, Listen to experiences, Treat people with mental illness with respect, Educate others in your own sphere of influence, Speak out about unfair representations.
  16. 33. The _________ is used by professionals as the authoritative guide to diagnose mental disorders.
  17. 34. __________ disorder: Causes problems in people’s normal sense of awareness and affect their sense of identity, memory, or consciousness. Involve severe changes in a person’s mental state, and cause big gaps in memory.
  18. 36. _______ stigma- happens within oneself, internalizing other forms of stigma
  1. 1. Mental Health Condition involving a brain disorder that can disturb normal thoughts, speech, and behavior. This can include delusions or hallucinations..
  2. 3. Specific ________ are an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of objects or situations that pose little real danger but provoke anxiety and avoidance.
  3. 4. Mental illnesses don’t have a ______ but there are lots of effective treatments.
  4. 6. __________ personality disorder: A person believes they are more important & talented than others & others should admire them
  5. 7. What are the 3 “D’s” that make a person’s experience with mental health challenges a “condition”? __________, __________, and Dysfunctional
  6. 8. Mental Health Condition involving periods of depression and manic episodes, which affect a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function.
  7. 11. __________ personality disorder: A person has extreme responses & frequent mood swings, poor self image, problems with relationships, and often act impulsively.
  8. 12. Mental Health Condition where an individual has severe anxiety or worry about a number of topics, events, or tasks.
  9. 15. Mental health conditions can happen at any time and _________ may be a lifelong journey.
  10. 16. Mental Health Condition involving unexpected panic attacks (overwhelming feelings of fear and strong physical reactions in response to nonthreatening situations).
  11. 17. _________ Mental Health Conditions: Medical illness that lasts weeks, or months, or years. Not something a person can “snap out of” on their own.
  12. 23. Each person with a mental health condition will have different _________, even people with the same disorder.
  13. 24. One of the 3 “D’s”: A person’s symptoms cause negative stress for others and for the individual
  14. 25. One of the 3 “D’s”: A person’s symptoms disturbs their ability to think, regulate emotions, or behaviors
  15. 27. _________ stigma happens interpersonally
  16. 30. People with mental illness can _________ and live long and healthy lives.
  17. 31. Mental Health Condition involving binge eating followed by purging. People with this condition often have skewed views of their body and intensely fear gaining weight.
  18. 35. Mental Health Condition involving symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.