Unit 5 Vocab

  1. 5. Law the body of laws of a state or nation regulating ordinary private matters, as distinct from laws regulating criminal, political, or military matters.
  2. 6. a building for the confinement of persons held while awaiting trial, persons sentenced after conviction, etc.
  3. 8. of Law he principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law.
  4. 9. an offense, as murder or burglary, of graver character than those called misdemeanors, especially those commonly punished in the U.S. by imprisonment for more than a year.
  5. 10. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons
  6. 11. a violation or breaking of a social or moral rule; transgression; sin.
  7. 12. a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct.
  1. 1. a prison, especially one for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of minor offenses.
  2. 2. Law. a criminal offense defined as less serious than a felony.
  3. 3. Law the laws of a state or country dealing with criminal offenses and their punishments.
  4. 4. a judicial tribunal duly constituted for the hearing and determination of cases.
  5. 7. Law. a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases.