Unit 6 Vocab

  1. 2. a battle line that extended across Belgium and France, containing trenches, that was a main battlefront in World War I
  2. 3. the nations of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire that fought against the Allied powers
  3. 8. German attacks on shipping by submarines
  4. 11. An extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries
  5. 12. an agreement to stop fighting
  6. 14. contained in Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace, this was an organization of nations formed to maintain peace
  7. 15. A policy of building up a nations military to prepare for war.
  1. 1. warfare used widely in World War I in which soldiers of opposite sides shot at each other from a system of ditches separated by a "no man's land"
  2. 4. To prepare a nation's military forces for war
  3. 5. A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries
  4. 6. The desire of a nation to stay out of international affairs
  5. 7. A telegram sent by the Germans to urge the Mexicans to attack the United States in return for winning back lands in southwestern US
  6. 9. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  7. 10. the nations of Great Britian, France, Russia, Belgium, and serbia that were later joined by the US to fight against in the Central Powers
  8. 13. President of the United States during World War I