Unit 5 vocab: Around the house by Ulices

  1. 2. Where my bed is
  2. 9. What makes my floor soft
  3. 11. Where I store my cans
  4. 12. A piece of glass
  5. 13. To cover the sun from coming in
  6. 14. Main entrance to a house
  7. 15. Gives out light
  1. 1. Cleans your clothes
  2. 2. Where the baby sleeps
  3. 3. Where I watch the news
  4. 4. Where I make turkey
  5. 5. Where I shower
  6. 6. Where I cook
  7. 7. Where I live
  8. 8. To sit on
  9. 10. Where I eat
  10. 13. Where I sleep