Unit 5 vocabulary Mercedes

  1. 3. inventor of thee light bulb
  2. 5. automobile manufacturer, noted for FORD MOTOR COMPANY
  3. 6. a system the moves parts and partly assembled products among factory workers to speed production
  4. 8. industrialist in railroads
  5. 12. automobile manufacturing industrial center
  6. 13. access to raw materials and energy, availability of work force due to immigration, inventions, financial resources
  7. 14. president of the oil industry
  8. 15. steel manufacturing industrial center
  1. 1. Illinois became the meat packing industry center
  2. 2. inventors of the airplane and first to sustained flights in a power driven airplane
  3. 4. inventor of the telephone
  4. 7. effects of Industrialization child labor, low wages, long hours, unsafe working conditions
  5. 9. railroads, oil, steel, automobiles
  6. 10. electric lighting, telephone, assembly line, affordably automobile, airplane
  7. 11. owner of Carnegie steel