Unit 5 World War I Vocabulary

  1. 2. new system of fighting during World War I using ditches to defend territory
  2. 6. peace agreement that ended World War I
  3. 10. group of countries proposed by Woodrow Wilson to resolve international disputes
  4. 12. Woodrow Wilson's plan to be lenient on the Central Powers to avoid a future war
  5. 15. the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, leading up to World War I
  6. 16. the act of preparing and deploying a nation's army for war
  7. 19. the alliance of England, France, and Russia leading up to World War I
  8. 20. German Kaiser who authorized the Schlieffen Plan and escalated World War I
  9. 21. The World War I alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
  10. 22. law that punished Americans for helping the enemy or refusing military duty
  1. 1. a situation where no country or alliance is significantly stronger than another
  2. 3. German submarines
  3. 4. payments for the damages and costs of war
  4. 5. law that made it illegal to speak out against the U.S. government during World War I
  5. 7. a policy of building up a nation's army and preparing for war
  6. 8. the belief that a specific nation, language, or culture is superior to others
  7. 9. area between opposing trenches during World War I
  8. 11. Austrian Arch Duke whose assassination started World War I
  9. 13. British ship whose sinking caused America to enter World War I
  10. 14. law that required all American men 21 to 30 to register for the draft
  11. 17. The World War I alliance of Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, and the United States
  12. 18. telegram proposing an alliance of Germany and Mexico to attack the United States