Unit 5.02 Review

  1. 3. promise made to the consumer that a product’s purchase price will be refunded if the product is not satisfactory
  2. 6. Organized way in which a country handles its economic decisions
  3. 9. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services.
  4. 10. Rivalry among 2 or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars
  5. 11. Market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders usually determine prices
  6. 13. Risks that result from changes in overall business conditions
  1. 1. Monopoly that the government allows to exist legally
  2. 2. All of the expenses involved in running a business.
  3. 4. The possibility of loss to a business without any possibility of gain
  4. 5. The desire to make a profit which moves people to invest in business
  5. 7. Modified command economic system in which government owns the basic means of production
  6. 8. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services
  7. 12. money received by resource owners and by producers for supplying goods