unit 6

  1. 2. a patched that had been cleared for planting
  2. 3. rapid spread of farming tech
  3. 6. fishing to much that they fish can't reproduce fast enough
  4. 7. changing from hunting to farming
  5. 8. farming to sell
  6. 11. access to food at all times
  7. 13. any plant from a harvest
  8. 15. land that was left and can not be used for farming
  9. 16. harvesting twice a year on the same field
  1. 1. prime farming land
  2. 4. growing of fruits vegetables and flowers
  3. 5. changing the land for farming
  4. 9. having minimal food to survive
  5. 10. practicing roatating fields and plants to save soil
  6. 12. living organism that has genes but into it
  7. 14. planting on ridge tops