- 2. farming that is low input, uses polycultures,small mechanical tools, animal power, and natural fertilizers
- 4. decline of a fish population by 90% or more
- 7. growing fish and shellfish in sea pens or tanks
- 10. methane and nitrous oxide gas
- 11. widespread food shortage and mass starvation
- 17. high density farming,concentrated animal feeding operations
- 18. planting more than one species in a certain area
- 19. a type of farming that uses forms of sustainable farming and agribusiness
- 20. the catching of non-target species including juveniles,sharks,turtles,whales/dolphins/seals,even fish of the wrong gender
- 22. eating more calories than what is needed per day, obesity
- 23. the main obstacle to obtaining a healthy diet
- 1. farming that uses machines, monocultures, high input, chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- 3. when someone gets less then the needed amount of calories (2200) per day for a healthy and productive life
- 5. loss of arable land to erosion, deforestation,urbanization/industrialization,overgrazing, etc.
- 6. planting a single crop in a field year after year
- 8. land that is appropriate for farming
- 9. introduced new machines, chemicals, and irrigation techniques, increased the yield and lowered the amount of labor
- 12. planting other plants over areas of field or pasture or field to rebuild the soil
- 13. grow more than one crop in the same field at the same time
- 14. tilling land exposes soil to wind and water
- 15. conversion of productive, arable lands to desert
- 16. when someone does not get a balanced diet
- 21. crops that are genetically altered to create faster growth with higher yield, resistant to pests, etc.