Unit 6 Crossword

  1. 1. the moon
  2. 4. the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans
  3. 6. a room or building in which scientific tests are carried out
  4. 8. work which is either physical or mental; to work; to toil
  5. 12. one who does not believe in the existence of a God
  6. 13. insanity; craziness
  7. 14. work
  8. 15. an insane desire to see things burn
  9. 17. to work together; to co-operate
  10. 18. science of the mind and human behavior
  11. 19. science dealing with life and living organisms
  1. 1. of or pertaining to the moon
  2. 2. science or study of
  3. 3. an uncontrollable urge to steal
  4. 5. a craving; a madness
  5. 7. one who is a funeral director; an undertaker
  6. 9. one who
  7. 10. an exaggerated craving for books; book madness
  8. 11. science dealing with the earth's structure and history
  9. 16. science which collects, studies, and explains facts about animals