Unit 6 Energy Resources and Consumption

  1. 5. Colloquialism for a technique used to extract natural gas from underground rock by causing cracks and fractures.
  2. 6. Electricity generated from the energy of moving water turning a turbine
  3. 9. A degraded petroleum that forms when petroleum migrates to the surface of Earth and is modified by bacteria
  4. 10. curve A bell-shaped curve representing oil use and projecting both when world oil production will reach a maximum and when we will run out of oil
  5. 11. energy Heat transferred from the earth's underground concentrations of dry steam (steam with no water droplets), wet steam (a mixture or steam and water droplets), or hot water trapped in fractured or porous rock.
  6. 13. cell Solar energy cells, usually made from silicon, that collect solar rays to generate electricity.
  7. 14. energy Energy that comes from the movement of water driven by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
  8. 15. Fuel fuels that are ancient remains of algae, plants and animals
  9. 16. grid A network of interconnected transmission lines that joins power plants together and links them with end users of electricity
  10. 19. Liquid fuel created from processed or refined biomass with no net atmospheric CO2.
  11. 20. efficiency The ratio of the amount of work done to the total amount of energy introduced to the system
  12. 21. conservation the practice of finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently
  1. 1. A nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
  2. 2. a wheel or rotor is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, or air
  3. 3. Production of two useful forms of energy, such as high-temperature heat or steam and electricity, from the same fuel source.
  4. 4. energy energy resource that is not being replaced as fast as it is being used
  5. 7. A unit to measure the rate of power of electricity equal to 1,000 watts
  6. 8. Type of energy derived from radioactive materials
  7. 12. demand The greatest quantity of energy used at any one time, usually charged at a higher rate
  8. 13. solar design Construction designed to take advantage of solar radiation without active technology
  9. 15. cell An electrical-chemical device that converts fuel, such as hydrogen, into an electrical current.
  10. 17. neutral an activity that does not change atmospheric CO2 concentrations
  11. 18. the cleanest-burning type of coal; almost pure carbon.