Unit 6 Fossil Records 2

  1. 3. new or different feature in the offspring of organisms that makes it better able to survive changes in environment
  2. 6. group of species that are related to one another (i.e. primates)
  3. 8. characteristic passed on from a parent to offspring
  4. 12. process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change with the environment
  5. 14. body parts
  6. 15. state of having many parts that are intricate or complicated
  7. 17. group of organisms believed to have evolved from a common ancestor
  8. 18. history of the earth as recorded in its rocks that make up its crust
  9. 19. history of the evolution of a species or group
  10. 20. similar anatomical structures in different species, share a common ancestor, but structures serve completely different functions
  1. 1. cause a decrease in diversity of life forms on earth
  2. 2. species still in existence; surviving
  3. 4. having no living members; no longer in existence
  4. 5. development of embryo and fetus to the birth of a new individual
  5. 7. the way the body is formed
  6. 9. relationships between 2 species that have a common ancestor
  7. 10. group of organisms that can breed and produce offspring
  8. 11. theory that emphasizes change primarily through natural disasters
  9. 13. refers to the many different types of species on Earth
  10. 16. theory that emphasizes slow changes on Earth over long periods of time