Unit 6 Natural Disasters

  1. 1. A bright electric flash that comes down from the sky during a storm.
  2. 3. This is a feeling you have when something is scary.
  3. 7. a strong twister storm that looks like a cone
  4. 8. a big winter storm with snow, wind and cold
  5. 9. When the earth trebles and shakes
  6. 11. When there is ____________ ahead, go the other way!!
  7. 12. This means to get ready for something, like packing a suitcase for a trip.
  1. 2. a strong wind storm that starts over the ocean
  2. 4. This tells us what the weather is like and will be like.
  3. 5. when there is so much rain it covers the ground, and streets and houses fill with water
  4. 6. These include: tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires and tsunamis
  5. 10. when you know that everything is going to be ok, you have _________.