Unit 6: Pathways

  1. 1. have success and quick development
  2. 6. how we earn money and support ourselves
  3. 8. chase
  4. 9. present an opposite idea
  5. 10. smart
  6. 12. to protect or keep
  7. 14. difficult situation
  8. 15. separate or alone
  9. 17. deep understanding and view
  10. 18. exact copy of an experience or object
  11. 19. to give new energy to something
  12. 22. demand forcefully
  13. 23. take responsibility for a started task
  1. 2. somebody who is native to a place
  2. 3. after a long series of events or finally
  3. 4. agreement between two persons
  4. 5. positive aspects, advantages
  5. 7. vocabulary used in a specific field or sector
  6. 11. treasure passed from generation to generation
  7. 12. a good rule to follow
  8. 13. put together or build
  9. 16. variety
  10. 20. use as in a tool or to hire someone
  11. 21. change from one state to another